The message of the cross - No other story is more powerful!
No other story in human history has touched more lives. "The Centurion 's Report" is a reenactment of this pivotal event in human history. It's the story of our Lord's passion, but it's told from a different point of view, the viewpoint of the centurion who witnessed Christ's death upon the cross. It was this man who is quoted in Matthew's gospel as saying, "Truly, this was the Son of God." Mt 27:54
"My life is in His hands. They're nail-scarred hands - Scars that I put there."
How did this hardened Roman soldier reach this remarkable conclusion? In essence, this is the same confession that Peter made regarding our Lord. What events led the centurion to make this confession? Were the Romans aware of Christ's claims? Were they disturbed by His kingly entry into Jerusalem? What about the resurrection? It was Roman soldiers who were assigned to guard Christ's tomb. Surely, they knew the truth about Jesus rising from the dead.
"The Centurion's Report" is a one-man, four-act play, written and performed by David Kitz. David draws on his years of experience as a pastor, teacher, and actor to deliver a cross centred drama, which touches the hearts and minds of all who see it.
As the hammer blows ring out the Holy Spirit moves bringing people to repentance and faith in Christ. Countless lives have been changed by the Spirit as they have witnessed this portrayal of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. Have you been to the cross lately? Every man, woman and child needs to visit there.
Listen to Chapter 6 below
What have other churches done with "The Centurion's Report"?
Churches all across Canada have hosted live drama presentations of "The Centurion's Report."
Easter Sunday presentations are most appropriate, but really the whole season of Lent resounds with the
power of this message.
In the past interchurch councils have invited David Kitz to present "The Centurion's Report" for the entire community. Region wide Good Friday services have featured "The Centurion's Report." Whenever the message of the cross is central, the "The Centurion's Report" is appropriate.
How long does a presentation take?
The storyline takes you from the Palm Sunday entry through to Easter Sunday evening. Performance time takes
about forty-five minutes from opening scene to closing prayer.
Are there any props or staging requirements?
Yes. A lapel mike is essential.
On hand materials will be used for props. More elaborate sets can be prepared, but are not required.
Will the Centurion be in costume?
Yes. It is rented from the National Arts Centre.
Are there any requirements in regard to music?
Yes. Between acts four pieces of music have been selected. Vocalists from within the
church community usually perform these numbers. Sound tracks will be provided upon request.
How much does a presentation cost?
This is a faith ministry. A free will offering is sufficient. In some cases, a travel charge may also apply.
What might happen if your church hosted "The Centurion's Report"?
Your people might develop a new appreciation for the cross. The lost may come to Christ. Forgiveness will flow.
Communities can be changed through the power of the greatest story ever told.